A day in the life of a valuer – Drilling Underground

This week as an expert valuer I had some travel to a far off place, which had me losing a precious day out of my weekend, to complete an urgent task for a very good client.
This client has a number of drills they use for mining and I have valued equipment for them in most states of Australia, and this one required 2 flights and several hours drive to the mine site, and then suiting up to go underground for the inspection.

As an expert valuer I have done this many times before, and there is always a level of nerves that come to the fore when you are hundreds of meter below ground, and if something goes wrong, several kilometres from the surface.

For me my stints underground are almost always fleeting and done with admiration for the miners that have inherent risks turning up for work every day.
The drill in this valuation was a production drill, used for production mining and cable bolting which is integral to underground mining. As an expert valuer I was able to determine the financier was fully secured in their loan against the asset.