The transport industry is one of the major industries in Australia and Neil has been engaged as an expert valuer on a number of ventures.

To know the transport industry you have to be an expert valuer of trucks, an expert valuer of trailers and all the assets in-between.

The vast range of assets in this space requires a great depth of experience and knowledge that can only be gained over time.


By far the largest sector in this space there are so many variants of trucks you need an expert valuer to simply differentiate these.

From the small supermarket refrigerated deliver to your door truck, to the interstate line haul trucks, there are industries that have a regular need for advice.

The advice here can range from insurance loss that can range from a single truck accident, to an entire fleet being submerged in flooding, which required an expert valuer to assess the value of the fleet prior to the flood.


These can range from the basic flat deck trailer that sits behind prime movers travelling up and down highways, to the specialty trailers that can carry fixed plant operations.

Given the nature of these assets, there is a need for an expert valuer in many instances ranging from accident damage through to total loss and everything in between.

Prestige & Collectible Cars

Neil has valued many prestige and super cars as part of his regular services to the finance and insolvency professions. This experience has set Neil up to be able to skilfully provide Expert Valuer services to this market sector when things don’t go to plan

This can be for losses that may be incurred when assets of this type are damaged or disputes arise around values, typically post loss. There is a regular need for Expert Valuer services in Family Law matters pertaining to motor vehicles held by the respective parties.

The Expert Valuer not only has to determine the value of the asset but also have a thorough understanding of the provenance of the asset and the role this plays in determining these values.

Materials Handling

This sector servicing the transport industry includes the most basic forklift for loading of trucks, through to massive container handlers capable of lifting 40 tonne payload.

The size and scope of the sector has a need for expert valuer advice to assist on values for all uses ranging from acquisition to litigation.

For Expert Advice – Call 0418 311 722