With much doom & gloom out there, it’s great to pen a positive note. The picture associated with this post is the only one I am permitted to publish, after being underground in the new [...]
As an expert valuer I can only agree that these are strange times in deed. I have the fortunate situation of seeing (and as per last post) driving some amazing motorcars, and to be candid I have [...]
With the strange times we are in currently anything that makes you smile and feel good is worth sharing. Today was one of those days, when as an expert valuer I had the pleasurable experience of [...]
When you have been doing something for a while, you have a certain level of confidence in what you do. If something seems a little unusual, there is good reason to do some investigating. This was [...]
As an expert valuer I often see what I would call a run on an industry, or an asset class. This can be due to the industry going through either good times or bad times, as I can be valuing for a [...]
Like many, I travel a lot, and much of this is typically in a plane. With all that is going on in the aviation industry, I have not been flying, on some of the very few, very expensive flights [...]
I am sure we will all have stories of our experiences during lock down, and some will be uplifting, and others not so. I have been reasonably well occupied with various projects requiring the [...]
Like many of us my life as an expert valuer has been quite surreal for the last 6 weeks or so. I have been working throughout, which gets me out on the road a little, however I have also been [...]
As an expert valuer is it always good to know that whilst I make assumptions, lenders make decisions on the assumptions I have made. My most recent post had me assuming that the wheels and ROPS [...]