A day in the life of a valuer – when it doesn’t rain, it Roars!

As an expert valuer I can only agree that these are strange times in deed. I have the fortunate situation of seeing (and as per last post) driving some amazing motorcars, and to be candid I have had a bit of a run on them lately.

This instalment, being a McLaren 600LT has New Zealand heritage, where for those that don’t know, the McLaren was created by a Kiwi, well before Covid19 built a fence around the islands.

Sadly I did not get to take this one for a spin, as there was a very small window of time for me to complete my inspection and capture the details required for the project.

As an expert valuer I can confirm that in less than 3 seconds the driver can break the speed limits of all freeways in Australia, and I was a little surprised he couldn’t spare a few minutes for me to have a go!