A day in the life of a valuer – a few days later!

As an expert valuer is it always good to know that whilst I make assumptions, lenders make decisions on the assumptions I have made.

My most recent post had me assuming that the wheels and ROPS would be fitted to the underground grader I featured, and I ascribed my values accordingly.

The client has completed the installation of the above, and it is now work ready, fully certified and able to earn its way.

As an expert valuer it is good to know these things happen, and that the client and lender are safe in relying on the advice I have given.

As for those asking on my knowledge of bongs, I can advise it is my duty as an expert valuer to know not only the values, but also how things work. This does not mean I know how to work them! I guess that does give me at least one thing in common with Kevin Rudd!